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Holiday Gifts

Eid-al fiter, New Year, Christmas and Easter, Hunnukuh

Every Holiday season, many people around the world feel isolated. Most of them are either homeless, victims of violence, mentally disabled, refugees or families from poor neighborhoods who cannot afford to celebrate the holidays. Many small children’s hospitals located in rural communities receive very few donations and attention during the Holiday season.

The Holiday Gift program is a unique program that ignites the goodwill of the community to provide hope and help for poor and vulnerable individuals and families during the holidays. The lean budgets of poor families don’t stretch far enough to give holiday gifts or hold celebrations with each other. What should be a joy-filled time spent making family memories can be an anxiety-inducing experience that causes financial hardship. At International Basic Aid, we are focused on warming the hearts of poor and vulnerable individuals and families at the time of year when they need it most.

With your donation, we can begin our work. We have a group of volunteers who put the packages together and our caring staff will make the deliveries. This means that every dollar you donate goes directly towards the cost of a gift and the possibility of hope.